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What is Fat Freezing (CoolSculpting) and does it really work?

  If you haven’t heard about fat freezing method before, then it’s time to learn all about it. CoolSculpting was first approved in 2010 and…
tabata workout

  Tabata is a workout which involves a set of high intensity exercises for 20 seconds, including lunges, jumping jacks, etc. and 10 seconds rest in between them. One Tabata exercise routine typically is divided into 8 intervals, lasting 4 minutes in total! If you’re not familiar with Tabata, then…

fitness tracker

  The popularity of Fitness Trackers has already exploded. The main intention of this fitness device is to track and measure our daily physical activity in terms of calories burned and steps. Today, many brands offer hybrid, additional services such as sleep quality tracking, GPS etc. With so much Fitness…

NYC marathon facts

  New York City Marathon is considered to be the biggest marathon with the largest number of participants. It’s founded in 1970 and since then, it gathers people from all over the world. Starting from elite athletes and finishing with amateur Americans you just love the participation. Also, because they…

muscle mass

Don’t allow misconceptions hold your perfect body back. If you’ve training and trying all kinds of physical activities for many years, and still haven’t been close to creating your dream body, then, maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you’re doing something wrong. We’ve brought today for you, the two…


10% Rule   1.Never increase your volume by more than 10% per week   2.Always warm up with easy cardio before your ever stretch for a MINIMUM of 10 minutes at 50-60% of max HR. The more intense the workout the more of a warm up you will need  …


  Next season will see Ben Swift returning to Team Sky after being part of UAE Team Emirates for two years.   It was Team Sky who gave the big news of Swift getting back to his old family which he first joined in 2010 when the squad was formed.…


Race Calendars
