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Your personal guide to the benefits of green tea; Whys and Hows

green tea benefits


Since tea in general is one of the most consumed and valuated drinks in the world today, accepted by all cultures and people, it’s easy to assume there must be something special about this ancient, cool-looking drink right?

Well, there is no doubt about the fact tea, despite it has zero calories, and is commonly found everywhere, it is also packed with some natural, therapeutic and strong elements that play a significant part in our overall health.


Today, we are going to mention some of the most important characteristics of Green tea. Green tea is considered, by science and history, as one of the healthiest, strongest teas available. It is loaded with nutrients that almost no other tea holds and it is linked to many life-threating diseases. Since it’s made from unfermented leaves, it contains the highest amount and concentration of one of the most powerful antioxidants called Polyphenols.


For all of you that don’t know what antioxidants are, they are elements that destroy free radicals. Free radicals are alter cells that are tampered with our DNA and cause cell death. These dangerous elements can significantly cause a large number of health problems. They are mostly and strongly linked with cancer, heart disease and our aging process. Antioxidants that green tea has can neutralize our free radicals levels by reducing their development.



The main benefits of Green tea


Green tea reduces our risk of type 2 Diabetes


Since this type of diabetes has already reached epidemic proportions, it is important to fight it in as many natural ways possible.  Type 2 diabetes affects over 300 million people all around the world and it develops as a result of our insulin’s resistance and high levels of sugar in our blood. Green tea improves our insulin sensitivity and significantly reduces our blood sugar levels.



It reduces the risk of cancer


A large number of researches have demonstrated the green tea to be beneficial in preventing all types of cancers and even prostate and breast ones. Polyphenols, according to the latest studies,  can cause the death of cancer cells and arrest their further growth. Two cups of green tea per day are more than enough to do the trick.



Green tea helps us lose weight


One of the main benefits green tea has in our body as to improve our metabolism’s work. It also helps our digestive system be in shape. Also, the polyphenols give a major help in our body’s fat-burning process. According to a latest study, green tea is can strongly damage our LDL cholesterol.



Improves our brain function


One of the main ingredients of this tea is caffeine. It works as a stimulant on our brain. A cup of green tea won’t fill our system with too much caffeine. But, it will increase our alertness and will make us more focused and able to better perform our everyday chores. Also, caffeine, when drinking the right amount of it, increases our overall mood and memory.One of the most important benefits that we shouldn’t skip is the ability green tea has to protect our brain from forming some plaque deposits that are found in Alzheimer’s disease.


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