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hot bath for athletes

  Training in hot conditions has been one of the most discussed topics in the endurance sport’s world these last couple of years. And there are quite some reasons behind this training method and it seems it can directly affect an athlete’s performance and most importantly, speed.   Some of…


  Potassium is one of the most important macrominerals needed for many essential body functions. It belongs to the main group of macrominerals that include calcium, sodium, sulfur, chloride etc. Each person needs at least 100 milligrams of potassium every day in order to fully support some of the key…

sugar and feet issues

  Nutrition is one of the most important aspects into everyone’s life. Proper nutrition means you are less at risk for all kinds of health-related issues. Also, you’ve got bigger chances for a longer and happier life. There are many types of food, like for example the ones high in…

build a six pack

  Did you know that more than 55 percent of all adult Americans have certain abdominal obesity? If you fall into this category, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Good news is, there is hope for you to keep yourself out of this group but only if you’re willing to.  …

back pain

    It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite athlete or a normal person with “normal” daily activities. There is a strong chance you will eventually experience back pain at least once during your life. The reason behind this condition is simple.  Almost any kind of your daily activities can…


  After every intense workout routine, our body is usually in pain. Especially if we’ve really pushed our limits. Knowing whether our muscle pain is normal or it might be caused by a more serious issue, is very important especially if we have a training plan to stick to during…


Race Calendars
