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  Flexibility, when defined, is the range of motions at a certain joint, or else said, the speed it can move from one point to the other. It gives quality, precision and definition to every move. As a result, we get to be more functional in our everyday chores.  …


  Training while having hernia is not something you should avoid doing. Quite the opposite, exercises are a recommended activity for people suffering from this physical condition. Even though nonsurgical methods, treatments and also different lifestyle changes have shown to significantly reduce the discomfort hernia causes, these are usually not…

weight loss myths

  Having a pill that can make you have the perfect body has been a dream that people, especially women have had for hundreds of years. In general speaking, diet pills fall into three main categories: the over-the-counter pills, prescription diet pills (regulated by the FDA), and herbal remedies that…

stress for athletes

    Stress is the reaction our brain and body has to different outside conditions and threats. When in a stressing situation, our body releases certain chemicals into our blood. Even though it is believed there are two types of stresses that occur; the negative and positive one, nothing can…

banana for athletes

  Did you know that banana is the number one most common eaten fruit in the entire world? They are widely recommended to be eaten by almost everyone, in every age or physical condition. This old-but-gold tropical fruit is not only super tasty and cheap to purchase. It also packs…

healthy coffee

  Many of us cannot get the day started without a cup of coffee. This much-needed drink is for many decades considered to be the best booster to get our day going. The truth is, despite the fact coffee’s origin is from a plant; many studies have indicated the not-so-good…


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