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banana for athletes

  Did you know that banana is the number one most common eaten fruit in the entire world? They are widely recommended to be eaten by almost everyone, in every age or physical condition. This old-but-gold tropical fruit is not only super tasty and cheap to purchase. It also packs…

menopause symptoms

  Menopause is something you cannot control. It is a natural process every woman experiences and it affects different aspects on physical and mental health. The good news is, if you’re an athlete your menopause side effects will be easier to handle when compared to any other woman. The bad…


  Every time we’re too busy working or running late without having breakfast or lunch we find ourselves feeling irritated and angry. In cases where we go too long without eating, it is officially the moment we get “hangry”! Scientists are very familiar with the condition called “hangry” and have…

avocado benefits

  When hearing about fats, all we can think about is eliminating them because after all,  fat makes us fat right? Well, as far as science knows, there are some good fats which are essential, necessary and super healthy for us to eat. They are also not only beneficial for…


Race Calendars
