Coach Details

Eva Spegt
Cumming, GA
Endurance Coaching, Testing & Analysis - From beginners to ambitious age group athletes We offer individualized coaching based on your fitness, goals and available time for local athletes as well as remotely. At EnduThletics, we have testing equipment from VO2Master, Moxy Monitor and CORE to measure your VO2Max, Muscle oxygen, and Body temperature. With specific tests, we can accurately measure where you stand, define your zones, and prescribe effective sessions, to improve the fastest. Last but not least, track your progress and improvements over time. However, if you are only interested in a VO2 Test to see where your fitness is or to find out about your training zones - We are here too! We also offer a swim stroke and a running gait analysis either in person or via video. You can find out more on our website (, Instagram (@enduthletics) or Facebook (Enduthletics). Text me and we'll chat about how I can help you improve!
Beginners, Long Course, Short Course, Women Specific
I have experience and work with athletes who want to finish their first Triathlon or first long distance race, as well as with seasoned and ambitious age group athletes. I meet all local athletes in person, if interested for a VO2 Test to dial in the training zones more precisely and to train more effective. I meet athletes at the pool for a swim stroke analysis, or at the track for Track Tuesday. You'll also see me on many of the group rides in the area. Recently, I added an Endurance Nutrition Coach Certification from UESCA as well as Freestyle Stroke Form Specialization and work with a certified USA Cycling coach and a UESCA certified Running Coach. Last but not least, we partnered with Never2 a Nutrition company to dial in nutrition even better and have special discounts for EnduThletics Athletes.

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