Coach Details

Laura Cunningham
Triheart Performance
Los Angeles, CA
In my role as a certified coach, my mission is to fortify your physical and mental strength. Leveraging the industry's most advanced training system, I aim to optimize your performance. As a mom, wife, coach, and athlete, I understand the demands of busy schedules. Through TriDot, I efficiently deliver superior quality and enhanced results, requiring up to 30% less training time. I specialize in long course, 70.3 and 140.6 distance as well as fueling for these long duration races.
Beginners, Long Course, Short Course
Fueled by an unwavering passion for triathlon, health, and fitness, I've earned certifications as a USAT Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Nutrition Coach. Since obtaining these credentials, I've shared my expertise at triathlon clinics, camps, and with club teams. I've also conducted strength courses tailored for endurance athletes, offering personalized one-on-one coaching.

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