Coach Details

Matthew Valley
Valley Coaching
Savannah, GA

I offer coaching for all distances of triathlon or running. This could be one on one coaching, consultations, group coaching, local coaching, or remote coaching. Weekly or two week training plan that fits each athlete's availability, ability, and goals INDIVIDUALLY! Each week is generally flexible, with key workouts in mind. I want you to have fun and not think of it as a chore. Included with your customized detailed flexible training plan are a premium Training Peaks account, daily workout reviews and comments, bi-weekly phone calls, discount codes, Valley Coaching swag and in person sessions (must be in the Savannah area). 

Beginners, first timers

My name is Matt, and I am a full-time triathlon coach. I have been running since middle school and competing at almost every distance from 100 meters to 26.2 miles for the last 20 years. I discovered triathlon and the Ironman distance when just running by itself had become stale. Since then, I have competed in sprints, Olympics, half IRONMANs and full IRONMANs. Swimming did not come easy to me, but I was able to go from being afraid of the water to confidently finishing a 2.4 mile swim. As a former law enforcement officer, I understand the struggle of trying to fit workouts into a busy and ever-changing life. As a coach, I want to be there to provide flexibility and accountability every step of the way to make sure you achieve your dreams.

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