Coach Details

Laurie rose
Naples Area Triathletes
Naples, FL
Are you looking to train for a sprint triathlon or a 70.3-distance race? Maybe you lack motivation, need structure, or just don’t know where to start on your fitness journey; our individual approach is right for everyone. Online coaching is available for short and long-distance triathlons, duathlons, and aquabike. Train smarter, not harder. I use patent-pending technology to design and optimize training. Our athletes grow stronger with less risk of injury or training burnout.
Beginners, Long Course, Short Course, Women Specific
Laurie Rose has qualified for 6 Ironman 70.3 World Championship races. She is a two-time Ironman finisher. Ironman Silver All-World Athlete 2017, 2018, 2019,2020 Ironman Bronze All-World Athlete 2023

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