Coach Details

Claudia McCoy
Trinity, FL
Offering online Triathlon coaching including sport specific strength, general and sports nutrition advice and tips to limit the risk of injuries...
Long Course, Short Course, Women Specific
I approach coaching and training in a wholistic way. I believe that we can't just go out there and swim, bike and run and expect to get better and stay injury free. Our body is more complex than that. Functional / sports specific strength training, recovery, mental training as well as sports nutrition plays a huge role in achieving our goals besides the above mentioned disciplines. I focus on quality workouts not quantity. A well designed training plan is an important base, but being able to react to our body during training and being able to adjust workouts depending on what life throws our way is invaluable. I believe that this and constant honest feedback between athlete and coach, is the most important part of a good coach and why customized training plans are so valuable.

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