Coach Details

Kristan Huenink
Multisport Mastery
El Cajon, CA
Personal Coaching; Private Swimming Lessons; Small Group Swim and Run Sessions;
Beginners, Clydesdale/Athena, Long Course, Short Course, Women Specific
I am a USAT-certified Level 2 triathlon coach, as well as a Road Runners Club of America (RRCA)-certified running coach, Slow Twitch-certified swim coach, United States Masters Swimmers (USMS)-certified Masters Level 2 swim coach and USMS-certified Adult-Learn-to-Swim instructor. I've been coaching athletes in some capacity (initially as a volunteer group leader and site coordinator with the Chicago Area Runners' Association training programs, and then professionally with Grit Endurance and, now, Multisport Mastery), for almost a decade.After completing my first full Ironman in 2015, I found myself constantly thinking about ways that I could improve my training and performance, as well as the training and performance of other endurance much so that I decided to pursue coaching endurance athletes professionally and went to work as a coach with Grit Endurance in the West Loop neighborhood of Chicago that fall. Most of my coaching with Grit Endurance was creating and running group training programs, (everything from Beginner 5K to Marathon to all levels of triathlon), and indoor cycling and track workouts. This was a great start to my career in coaching, but I soon realized that, while these group training programs could get an athlete to start (and, usually, finish) lines, I was most passionate about helping individuals get the best out of themselves and that, generally, requires customized training unique to their goals, skills, abilities and lifestyle. (I can speak from experience with this regard---in my first year of working with my own coach I smashed four of the five goals I had been chasing for the previous four years). Consequently, after two years with Grit Endurance, I joined Multisport Mastery so I could focus on personal coaching for endurance athletes. I've been with Multisport Mastery as an athlete and coach for four years. In addition to personal coaching with Multisport Mastery, I have also taught adult swimming lessons at a gym and open water swimming lessons in Lake Michigan in Chicago.

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