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  Triathlon is considered to be one of the most challenging and interesting sports. Since it first came to life, it has grown an impressive large number of people who love and practice it. Even though the first recorded triathlon took place back in 1974, the booming of this super-challenging…

running rules

  Running is one of the most popular physical activates people like to do. For those who don’t like running, it might seem like an easy and simple sport, but we can assure you it’s not. There’s a raft of scientific evidences that running has some health benefits almost no…

triathlon competition

  Triathlon is one of the fastest growing sports, especially in UK and U.S and it consists of three different disciplines – running, cycling and swimming. If you have already decided to participate in a triathlon, then you should learn some basic stuff to better prepare yourself. When doing a…

triathlon rules

  Many athletes, especially newbies, tend to unintentionally violate several triathlon rules put by USAT (USA Triathlon). Many of these athletes are being disqualified for not-following curtain rules. According to USA Triathlon, it is up to each participant to know what the rules are! So, if you don’t want all…

everyday training

    There are two kinds of people when it comes to creating a workout routine. In the first category are the ones who stick to just on single kind of training style. For example doing only Yoga, Pilates, HIIT training or Cardio. Also, in the second category, are the…

NYC marathon facts

  New York City Marathon is considered to be the biggest marathon with the largest number of participants. It’s founded in 1970 and since then, it gathers people from all over the world. Starting from elite athletes and finishing with amateur Americans you just love the participation. Also, because they…


Race Calendars
