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detox water

  Sometimes, especially during holiday seasons, even the healthiest eaters find it hard to stay on track. All the excess carbs, fat and sugar that holiday meals contain make everyone feel bloated, tired and very guilty. That’s because you know you’re making your liver suffer and the consequences are not…

cycling mistakes

  Most of the problems you may occur as a new cyclist are fixable. The important thing is, to know what you are doing wrong and which the best way to fix them is. We’re pretty sure no one is perfect. Even the best cyclists in the world admit to…

active life

  Depending on technology, apps, email and many other technology helpers, it is no wonder why people have lost their walking instincts. It’s called the sitting disease and most of the people suffer from it. Have you ever thought how many hours you spend sitting during your waked hours? Driving…

yoga for runners

  Being a runner means you often get to experience soreness, muscle injuries, tightness and many other physical side effects. Despite how a perfect runner you might be, after a nine to five day, staying static, your muscles and bones get weak and start losing their elasticity, power and flexibility.…

tabata workout

  Tabata is a workout which involves a set of high intensity exercises for 20 seconds, including lunges, jumping jacks, etc. and 10 seconds rest in between them. One Tabata exercise routine typically is divided into 8 intervals, lasting 4 minutes in total! If you’re not familiar with Tabata, then…

everyday training

    There are two kinds of people when it comes to creating a workout routine. In the first category are the ones who stick to just on single kind of training style. For example doing only Yoga, Pilates, HIIT training or Cardio. Also, in the second category, are the…


Race Calendars
