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Grand Tour

    I often hear from people who ride they put little thought into getting a professional bike fit or take note of their bike set-up. This is a mistake. The reality is that regardless of the amount miles you ride or speed at which you ride, a professional bike…

spinning class

  Indoor cycling is a group of cycling exercises performed on a stationary bike. During these classes, the instructor is the one to simulate the ride and give all the necessary instructions. Whether you’re “cycling” on flat roads or climbing hills, you just have to keep riding despite the outside…

Cycling club

  If cycling has become your main physical activity and you love doing it, why not join a cycling club? Some people think that riding alone is better, but, many other don’t support this idea simply because they see and know the benefits and potentials a cycling club can bring…

cycling motivation

  Everyone who loves cycling never regrets a ride he takes. But, the truth is, sometimes, getting out of that door and hoping on a bike might seem like the last thing you want to get yourself into. We get it, the struggle is real! Finding the ways to motivate…


Race Calendars
