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Most powerful fruits and veggies for you to eat!

healthy eating


Everybody knows that fruits and veggies are essential to a healthy body. Being so focused on the amount of proteins and calories we take, we often forget the importance of other micronutrients which are one of the most essential part for a healthy physique.

All kinds of micronutrients are important to be eaten in the right proportion in our diet in order for our body’s system to properly work. These elements cannot be created from our system, so we, need to take them through fruits and vegetables. When micronutrients are in lack, we risk to get all kinds of health issues. Starting from the most normal ones, and ending with cancers and other deadly diseases.


Never count on pills to feed your body’s needs. We are designed to take these nutritional values through real food such as fruits and vegetables. Our body knows how to best absorb them. To be honest with you, if we ask, right now, 10 different nutritionists about the fruits and veggies they think are the most powerful and healthy ones, they will all come up with a different list. And you know why? Because every single fruit or veggie packs some unique and essential nutritional values which we need in order to be healthy.


The trick, according to many experts, is to include a variety of fruits and vegetables into our daily intake so we can have the chance to take as many kinds of nutritional elements as we can!

Below, you can find a list with what we thought are the ones that mostly deserve a little more attention than the others. 😉





Kale is considered to be the healthiest veggie in the world. Or at least this is what most of the experts think. Its rich color indicates its nutritional perks. It is rich in vitamin C and A and contains a good amount of K vitamin too. Kale is also a great source of potassium, calcium, vitamin B and manganese. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, a great element for our brain function. Kale works miracles in preventing many disease especially related to cancers and degenerative ones.





Another super fruit rich in antioxidants and high in fiber! They have shown some real benefits especially when helping to prevent disease like Alzheimer’s and heart related ones. Because they are rich in antioxidants, they can also potentially fight all cancer cells which might develop in our body. Their deliciousness is also justified with the amount of C vitamin and manganese they contain.





Even though avocados are commonly misunderstood due to their high amount of fats, they’re actually fruits. This delicious plant, contains some good amounts of healthy, unsaturated fats. Only one cup of avocado contains 11 grams of dietary fiber. Also, 50 percent of our daily value of vitamin B (especially B-5), almost 40 percent of our daily need of vitamin K. Avocados contain potassium which helps our muscles properly function, and also, vitamin C which strengthens our immune system. Some studies have indicated that avocados help our cardiovascular system’s processes , in preventing arthritis and tendinitis.





According to some studies, people who included high amount of potassium in their daily intake, had some significant lower rates of premature death and also, were healthier than the others. Figs are a great source of this element, surpassing bananas and many others. Only 100 grams of figs contain more than 35 percent of our daily need of potassium. Figs are also great for our bones and immune system, containing big amount of calcium.





Garlic belongs to allium family. Only 30 grams of garlic, contains more than 24% manganese of the RDA, 15 % vitamin C, almost 18% vitamin B6. Also, garlic contains some decent amount of potassium, fiber, iron, calcium etc. All garlic supplements help in preventing and significantly reducing common illnesses, cold, flu etc. many studies have found garlic supplementation to play an important part when regulating high blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels by preventing many heart related issues and also, due to its high content of antioxidants, it helps reducing and preventing Alzheimer’s disease.





Everyone knows pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on earth! They have some incredible nutritional values. Only one cup, with 200gr of pomegranate contains more than 7 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, vitamin K, C, potassium and folate. Many laboratory and human studies have shown that pomegranate’s  nutrients can strongly prevent different cancers, especially prostate cancer and breast one. It can also significantly lower the risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure.

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