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Love chocolate? 5 proven reasons you should eat it

eating dark chocolate
  Chocolate is made from the seed of cocoa tree. It is considered and proved by science to be one of the best sources of…
active life

  Depending on technology, apps, email and many other technology helpers, it is no wonder why people have lost their walking instincts. It’s called the sitting disease and most of the people suffer from it. Have you ever thought how many hours you spend sitting during your waked hours? Driving…

yoga for runners

  Being a runner means you often get to experience soreness, muscle injuries, tightness and many other physical side effects. Despite how a perfect runner you might be, after a nine to five day, staying static, your muscles and bones get weak and start losing their elasticity, power and flexibility.…


  Triathlon is considered to be one of the most challenging and interesting sports. Since it first came to life, it has grown an impressive large number of people who love and practice it. Even though the first recorded triathlon took place back in 1974, the booming of this super-challenging…

the befits of coffee

  Caffeine has many health benefits especially related to concentration and memory. Also, despite the fact that many weight loss benefits caffeine has on our body are not definitive and are mostly animal tested, there are some interesting founding’s which should be taken into consideration.   Several studies have indicated…

running rules

  Running is one of the most popular physical activates people like to do. For those who don’t like running, it might seem like an easy and simple sport, but we can assure you it’s not. There’s a raft of scientific evidences that running has some health benefits almost no…

triathlon competition

  Triathlon is one of the fastest growing sports, especially in UK and U.S and it consists of three different disciplines – running, cycling and swimming. If you have already decided to participate in a triathlon, then you should learn some basic stuff to better prepare yourself. When doing a…


Race Calendars
